What Grace in parenting teens might look like


Ran across this excellent piece about the storms of parenting adolescents. 

I had to hold back tears when I read this, because it dredged up deep memories of watching friends and parents I know do this for their teens. Grace always hits me in the feels like that. 

I usually got to see both sides — the fear and fighting from the scared teen, and the pain and fear it caused their parents. 
Yet they both held on. And they made it. 

The Letter Your Teenager Can’t Write You

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About Me
photo of me; my hair is tones of orange; I'm a white woman standing downtown in my hometown on a pretty fall day

My students used to call me “RameyLady” and the name stuck. I write here about literally anything but mostly education, as I was a classroom teacher for a decade and now work in higher education. I also care about music, art, literature, good coffee, and … well, you’ll see.